Could you review the NDCs of Parties to the Paris Agreement as well as their recent national policies relevant in this context (e.g. on energy, technology, science or environment) for any references to the development, testing or use of geo-engineering technologies? Advice: See the table below.
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This paper provides a comparative analysis of Latin American climate change framework legislation in Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Honduras and Paraguay. It assesses if and to what extent the legislation in those countries meets the requirements of the Paris Agreement, identifies gaps and achievements, draws lessons and offers some recommendations. *A version …
What may be the possible implications of the Paris Rulebook for law, policy and further action in developing countries? Advice: The table provides an initial overview on the potential national implications that the Paris Agreement and the subsequent decisions on its implementation adopted in Katowice (the so called Rulebook) may have for developing …
Can you advise on the general subject areas that the finance section in overarching new climate legislation should cover and provide some explanations on why they would be useful? Advice: The effective implementation of new legislation on climate change will be possible only with the support of adequate financial resources. This pertains to adaptation …
While countries are still negotiating international responses to climate change, many have also embarked on domestic action to implement their commitments under the Paris Agreement. This process often includes reviewing and enhancing domestic legal frameworks. In collaboration with UNEP, LRI is supporting these efforts through a new web-based …