Does the mandate of the review of the WIM allow, or provide space, for an aspect of the review to be forward-looking? Or in other words, can the reference to the ‘long-term vision’ of the WIM in para.2(c) of Decision 4/CP.22 (” … Future reviews of the Warsaw International Mechanism should consider, […] its long-term […]

Could a failure to comply with obligations related to the Transparency Framework under Article 13, Paris Agreement, be a trigger for action by the Compliance Committee under Article 15 ? Advice: The Paris Agreement does not provide for any explicit relationship between Article 13 (transparency framework) and Article 15 (compliance mechanism). There …

Can a share of proceeds for adaptation from transactions under Article 6.2, Paris Agreement, based on net flows over a certain period of time (rather than individual EU ETS trades) be achieved by relying on article 30.1 of the revised Phase IV EU ETS Directive without the need to obtain the approval of the European Parliament […]