How are UNGA Trust Funds established? How are UNGA Trust Funds administered? Advice: United Nations General Assembly (“UNGA”) Trust Funds have been identified as a possible mechanism for establishing a Loss and Damage Finance Facility (“LDFF”) outside the structure of the UNFCCC negotiations. This research memo will set out how the UNGA Trust …

What are the impacts of removing ‘any other matters’ as an item from a provisional COP agenda? What limitations does reliance on SB conclusions to cover miscellaneous other issues impose? Do SB conclusions adequately cover miscellaneous other issues? Advice: 1. Removing ‘any other matters’ as an item from the COP provisional agenda would mean …

The secretariat’s note on AIM (arrangements for intergovernmental meetings – see ) contains in its annexes draft provisional COP, CMP, and CMA agendas for COP25. Both provisional COP and CMA agendas include an item on the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with …

1. Can the Subsidiary Bodies evade the application of Rule 16 of the draft rules of procedure (automatic inclusion of items in future agendas) by an informal agreement between the parties? 2. Is there any precedent for Rule 16 not applying based on an agreement by the parties or otherwise? 3. What options do parties have to […]