1) What right has Turkey/any party under the Convention (article 15) to propose an amendment; 2) how does this Convention right and the process under article 15 interact with the applied draft rules of procedure requiring adoption of a provisional agenda by consensus; 3) what practical options exist to satisfy the Turkish request procedurally (e.g. …

Would it be procedurally possible to add a new agenda item to CMA 1-2 to cover Loss and Damage, so as to ensure that the issue is discussed at COP24? Advice: 1.  It would not be possible to add a new agenda item at this stage since the CMA has already adopted its agenda. Rule […]

Based on your advice that the CMA may give guidance to the operating entities of the financial mechanism, does the MoU between the COP and the GEF Council (decision 12/CP.2 and decision 12/CP.3) require revision/amendments/clarifications?  Advice: In our view, amendment to the memorandum of understanding is not technically required because, pursuant …