Query: What is the legal basis for the new collective quantified goal (it is not mentioned in the Convention or Paris Agreement, but in COP and CMA decisions)? What is the link, if any, between NCQG and Article 9 of the Paris Agreement?

Query: What are some of the considerations relevant for the inclusion of a sub-goal on loss and damage within the NCQG?

Query: What types of outcomes can emerge from a COP and what legal value do they hold? Advice: 1. Legal bindingness in international law The creation of binding international obligations typically occurs through treaties, the result of extensive negotiations among nations. These treaties contain meticulously negotiated provisions, often developed over …

Background: based on the latest Nationally Determined Contributions (“NDCs”) submitted by parties in 2020/2021 in the context of the first NDC update milestone, it is very likely that the 1.5C temperature goal of the PA will be exceeded by the end of the century. For some parties and independent organisations, this is caused in part […]

1. Following the postponement of COP26 (originally planned for November 2020), by when do Parties have to communicate or update their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) pursuant to Article 4 of the Paris Agreement? 2. If the Parties are bound to communicate or update their NDCs by 2020, is there any legal basis to say that, […]