Can you provide a high level overview of the links between the Sendai Framework on Disaster Management, the Paris Agreement and the Warsaw International Mechanism? How can harmonisation/coherence between the Sendai Framework and the Paris Agreement be strengthened? Advice: There is a growing body of scholarship that seeks to bring climate loss and damage …

Can you review the rules and practice of the compliance processes of e.g. the Basel Convention, Cartagena Protocol, CITES, ESPOO, ITPGRFA, London Protocol, Montreal Protocol, ICRW, and indicate (a) whether meetings are open to the public and to what extent (e.g. observer organisations, live stream etc.) and (b) how are the meetings reported, and with …

What potential entry points are there in the Paris Agreement to reflect the principle of equity? Can you identify relevant provisions in the Paris Agreement and next steps for parties to, for example, ensure we reduce the ambition gap and pressurise countries with very low NDCs to increase ambition in line with equity? Advice: In […]

If the USA were to adopt an obstructive stance, could an argument be made that they are not complying with their obligation to negotiate in good faith? What is the scope of Pacta sunt servanda and the obligation of good faith in this context ? What are the SB chairs’ and COP President’s powers should […]