Query: Could the Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee address lack of funding/capacity-building for reporting obligations as an implementation and compliance issue affecting SIDS and LDCs? Advice: I. About the Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee The Paris Agreement (PA) established in its Article 15 a mechanism …
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Query: Could you clarify the governance of the AC and its relationship to CMA and COP? Advice: The AC was formulated by the COP pursuant to the Cancun Adaptation Framework (Decision 1/CP.16) and is officially governed under the COP (Decision 2/CP.17). However, since the Paris Agreement, the AC serves both the Convention and the Paris …
Query: Please provide a characterization of the expert dialogue on mountains and climate change that took place at SB 60 and identify further entry points for these issues in other negotiation streams. Summary: The Expert Dialogue on mountains and climate change which took place during SB 60 in Bonn, seems to be a one-off event. […]
Background: The query arises in the context of proposals from certain developed countries to add items for discussion to the CMA agenda, which are currently already discussed under the COP agenda, namely issues concerning gender, action for climate empowerment and capacity building. This advice primarily explores the scope and mandate of the CMA and …