1. What is the meaning of “implementing entities” in the context of the Adaptation Fund, and is it already covered off by the other interests or organisations mentioned under paragraph 3 draft decision -/CMP9 (FCCC/SBI/2013/L.6) ? 2. What would be the effect of adding “[other]” before “implementing entities”? Advice: 1. The meaning …

1. What will be the legal implications of incorporating adaptation into the INDCs? If mitigation elements of the INDCs are legally binding would adaptation elements need to be as well? 2. Would including one requirement (mitigation) that is legally binding and another (adaptation) that is not legally binding create problems or confusion within the overall …

As the Adaptation Fund sits under the Kyoto Protocol and other institutions, such as the Least Developed Countries Fund, under the Convention, how could linkages as envisaged under  Part II of the terms of reference for the adaptation fund review (which is to include the institutional linkages and relations, as appropriate, between the Adaptation …

Each year over 32 million people are forced to leave their homes to seek permanent or temporary residence in other parts of their own countries or in new countries in response to political, social, economic and environmental forces. Some of these people will meet criteria agreed to by the international community and will be given […]

This briefing note sets out, at a very high level, some of the key points relating to the provision of the long‐term finance and whether this money will be ‘new and additional. In particular, it addresses the following points: a) the correct interpretation of the wording “mobilizing jointly $100 billion a year by 2020”as set […]