Can the CMA adopt decisions if it chooses to suspend its session, or can it only adopt decisions when it closes? Has this happened before? Summary: The CMA is able to adopt decisions and suspend the session.  The CMA is not limited to adopting decisions when the session closes.  There is precedent for this from […]

If and to what extent does Art.8 of the Paris Agreement in conjunction with accompanying COP decision 1/CP.21, paragraph 51, exclude the application of the general rules of public international law, in particular on state responsibility? Advice: The relevant loss and damage provisions adopted at the Paris Conference are contained in both the Paris Agreement …

How do you ensure permanence of the international mechanism on loss and damage? Background and Summary: There are many countries who state that their chief concern is to ensure the permanence of an international mechanism. They fear that, given its current mandate and scheduled review, the Warsaw International Mechanism could disappear after 2016. For …

What are the legal and governance questions involved if an institution serves two agreements: how can an institution such as the WIM be under the guidance of the COP and the governing body of the new agreement at the same time? what does this mean? Joint COP/PARIS COP agenda items? Advice: It is not uncommon, […]

Comment les contributions déterminées au niveau national (NDCs) des Parties peuvent-elles être intégrées dans un nouvel accord sur le climat 2015 de Paris ? Conseil : Si les Parties n’adoptent pas un nouvel instrument juridique international formellement contraignant (mais plutôt un ensemble de décisions de la COP ou une simple entente politique), …