1. Could you explain the current framework for the allocation of greenhouse gases emissions under the Kyoto Protocol, including how are the mitigation targets and timetables established and expressed quantitatively in the current framework? 2. Which parties have mitigation commitments under the Kyoto Protocol? 3. What are the means by which parties …
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The continued failure of the parties to agree a second commitment period for the Kyoto Protocol is a cause for concern. Further delay in any agreement for a second commitment period could mean that there will be a gap between commitment periods where the relevant parties are not bound by any emission reduction commitments. A […]
During the negotiating session in Bonn in June 2010, the AWG-KP requested the Secretariat’s legal service to prepare a paper on how to avoid a gap between the first and second commitment periods and to identify the legal consequences of any such gap. The formal request is as follows: “In the context of decision 1/CMP.1 […]
This briefing paper sets out: the procedure that needs to be followed in order to amend the Kyoto Protocol and its annexes; the specific articles and annexes that will need to be amended in the event a second commitment period is agreed; and suggested drafting, based on previous country submissions, for such amendments.