Please clarify what are the legal implications for the use of KP units (CERs) post-2020, assuming the Doha amendment never enters into force. Summary The CDM can continue to function in the absence of a new commitment period under the KP and it can be transitioned under the following scenarios: 1) the market-based mechanisms of […]
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Can you provide a summary of the latest developments on Article 6.2 and 6.4, Paris Agreement. Advice: The work under Article 6 was one of the few parts of the Paris rulebook that was not completed at Katowice. It was hoped that agreement on final texts could be reached at SBSTA 50, but this was […]
Will the Clean Development Mechanism (‘CDM’) continue to function post 2020 (i.e. can parties submit new projects after 2020) or will it cease to exist? Advice: Executive summary There is much uncertainty about the future activities of the CDM. It appears that the CDM will continue to function after 2020, but the scope of its […]
Is there any legal basis for using Kyoto Protocol Assigned Amount Units (“AAUs”) toward post-2020 Paris Agreement nationally determined contributions (“NDCs”)? Summary There is currently no legal basis for using AAUs toward Paris Agreement’ NDCs. After 2020, AAUs will become meaningless other than as a record of previous …
Summary of SB48-2 discussions on Article 6 Paris Agreement Background: Article 6, Paris Agreement contains three mechanisms that enable Parties to pursue cooperative approaches to the implementation of their nationally determined contributions (NDCs). These mechanisms are commonly referred to as the Article 6.2, Article 6.4 and Article 6.8 mechanisms. …