Law & sustainability colloquium at Peking University


You can now watch the event on youtube at

On 4 November, the day after the US presidential election when the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement takes effect (unless revoked beforehand) LRI’s director Christoph Schwarte will speak “at” Peking University.

In his presentation “International climate change law and negotiations in times of COVID-19” Christoph will reflect on how the global pandemic may affect the international body of law related to climate change. He will offer some observations on recent legal trends and the wider social discourse, provide an overview on the specific challenges for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process and also make a few suggestions for the future.

The event is the first session in a new online lecture series by the School of Transnational Law – the “Law and Sustainability Colloquium”. You can watch the event live from 17:30 to 18:30 China time and 9:30 to 10:30 GMT at https:/ To participate in the chat and ask a question you need to register here: