Briefing papers
- Just transition explainer (07/11/2024)
- Updated Explainer on Loss and Damage (05/11/2024)
- New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance (05/11/2024)
- SB 60 summary (07/09/2024)
- Note on the Oceans and the Expert Dialogue on the Ocean and Climate Change (29/08/2024)
- Summary of COP 28 outcomes (24/04/2024)
- Guide to the Paris Agreement (30/11/2023)
- Global Stocktake Explainer (28/11/2023)
- Loss and damage explainer (02/06/2023)
- Summary of COP 27 outcomes (23/03/2023)
- Article 6.4 activity cycle diagram (22/08/2022)
- Operationalizing the Global Goal on Adaptation (08/06/2022)
- Article 6 carbon markets explainer (30/05/2022)
- COP26 Key Outcomes (26/01/2022)
- Decision by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child – An unsuccessful complaint that extends the application of Human Rights (20/12/2021)
- The Paris Agreement goal on finance flows (07/10/2021)
- Strengthening the compliance system for Nationally Determined Contributions (30/09/2021)
- Climate focused transitional justice (12/05/2021)
- Legislating the Paris Agreement in Africa (29/03/2021)
- Putting the law at the heart of the Paris Agreement (18/01/2021)
- Climate framework laws in Latin America and their alignment with the Paris Agreement – a comparative analysis (26/11/2020)
- Technical regulations based on international standards to mitigate climate change (09/09/2020)
- Guide to the Paris Agreement (23/03/2020)
- Paris Agreement and Rulebook – Gaps and next steps (01/05/2019)
- Institutional climate change frameworks in developing countries (01/05/2019)
- COP24 Key Outcomes (31/01/2019)
- Climate Legislation Advice Portal (01/11/2018)
- Talanoa Dialogue (22/10/2018)
- Bottom-up climate legislation in Cameroon (14/05/2018)
- Domestic implementation of the Paris Agreement by developing country parties (30/09/2017)
- Legislating the Paris Agreement – Short Brief (31/10/2016)
- Legislating the Paris Agreement – Summary Report of meeting – September 2016 (18/10/2016)
- Commitments by Developing Country Parties under the Paris Agreement (09/05/2016)
- Pocket Guide to the Paris Agreement (01/04/2016)
- “Next steps” in the climate negotiations concerning the Paris Agreement (01/03/2016)
- Possible declarations in connection with the 2015 climate agreement (06/10/2015)
- Human Rights in the 2015 Agreement (19/05/2015)
- In focus: the Lima ADP outcomes (05/02/2015)
- In depth: the Lima ADP Outcomes (03/02/2015)
- Gender equality in a new climate agreement (08/10/2014)
- Igualdad de género en un nuevo acuerdo climático (08/10/2014)
- International mechanisms for loss and damage (04/09/2014)
- Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) (28/05/2014)
- Draft options for legally binding financial commitments in a new climate agreement (01/05/2014)
- Developing an Institutional Framework to Address Loss and Damage (01/10/2013)
- International Air Passenger Adaptation Levy under international law (16/07/2013)
- The Doha Outcomes Part III – The ADP and CBDRRC (25/04/2013)
- The Doha Outcomes Part II – The Agreed Outcome of the Bali Action Plan (25/04/2013)
- The Doha Outcomes Part I – The Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol (25/04/2013)
- The relationship between the UNFCCC and other rules of public international law (31/01/2013)
- ‘No-harm rule’ and climate change (24/07/2012)
- Procedural Issues related to the ICJ’s advisory jurisdiction (11/06/2012)
- Unwrapping the Durban Package (12/03/2012)
- Issues on Consensus in the UNFCCC Process (08/12/2011)
- Implications of Canada’s potential withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol before the end of the First Commitment Period (08/12/2011)
- Legal Personality and the Green Climate Fund (06/12/2011)
- Proposal by Mexico and PNG to amend the COP’s voting rules (24/11/2011)
- The Status of UNFCCC COP and other Treaty Body Decisions under US Law (23/11/2011)
- A Guide to the UNFCCC Institutions (08/04/2011)
- Fact Sheet: Legal options to avoid a gap and legal implications of a possible gap (05/04/2011)
- Draft Rule 42 (10/12/2010)
- Definitions of verbs used in COP Decisions (04/12/2010)
- Key Finance Terms (24/11/2010)
- COP Decisions: Substance and Mandates (04/10/2010)
- Provisional Application – An Overview (04/10/2010)
- International Bodies for Adaptation (02/08/2010)
- Review of the implementation of the Copenhagen Accord (23/07/2010)
- Kyoto Compliance Mechanism (19/07/2010)
- Sanctions and penalties in environmental treaties (19/07/2010)
- Legal basis of Official Development Assistance (19/07/2010)
- Procedure for amendments to the Kyoto Protocol (19/07/2010)
- Compliance, enforcement and the LCA Text (19/07/2010)
- MRV provisions in the LCA Text (19/07/2010)
- Human Rights and Climate Change (19/07/2010)
- Human Displacement and Climate Change (19/07/2010)
- Compensation for Loss and Damage (19/07/2010)
- Alternative Legal Outcomes (19/07/2010)
- Legal options to avoid a gap and legal implications of a possible gap (19/07/2010)
- Accord Finance – Results based mechanism (06/06/2010)
- Adaptation Finance: Accord funding (06/06/2010)
- Institutional Architecture in the LCA text (04/06/2010)
- Copenhagen Green Climate Fund and the World Bank (01/06/2010)
- Strengthening the REDD Text (27/03/2010)
- Temporary extension of the Kyoto Protocol and relationship with the flexible mechanisms (22/03/2010)
- Adaptation Outcomes (03/03/2010)
- The Copenhagen Accord: A legal analysis (28/01/2010)
- Financial Mechanisms (07/12/2009)
- Legal outcomes of the Copenhagen summit (07/12/2009)