440 results found

Legal basis of the New Collective Quantified Goal and its link to Article 9 of the Paris Agreement (07/06/2024)

Query: What is the legal basis for the new collective quantified goal (it is not mentioned in the Convention or Paris Agreement, but in COP and CMA decisions)? What is the link, if any, between NCQG and Article 9 of the Paris Agreement?

Including a sub-goal on loss and damage within the New Collective Quantified Goal (07/06/2024)

Query: What are some of the considerations relevant for the inclusion of a sub-goal on loss and damage within the NCQG?

2021 adaptation finance decisions (01/09/2022)

Query: 1. Does the request by the COP (in Decision 4/CP.26 para.9) to some developed country Parties to significantly increase their provision of adaptation finance, including by, as appropriate, considering doubling adaptation finance with the aim of achieving a balance between mitigation and adaptation, differ, in substance, from that by the CMA (in Decision decision […]

Possible outcomes from a COP (30/05/2024)

What types of outcomes can emerge from a COP and what legal value do they hold?

Value of cover decisions (05/12/2023)


New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance (29/05/2024)

Our new explainer on the New Collective Quantified Goal on Finance (NCQG) offers an overview of the current discussions on this topic, including its core elements: the quantum and quality of finance, the structure of the NCQG, the sources of finance, and its contributor base, the timeframe for the NCQG, and the transparency arrangements. 

Updated Explainer on Loss and Damage (29/05/2024)

Our updated Loss and Damage explainer sheds light on the efforts made by the Parties to the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement to address the issue of loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change. It offers an overview of the key issues related to loss and damage that are being negotiated […]

Literature Review – Funding sources in context of NCQG (29/09/2023)

We have been instructed to prepare a literature review of what is understood as the contributor base in the context of the new collective quantified goal (“NCQG”). You have requested that this literature review focuses on precisely what the “sources, instruments and channels” are, as referenced in Article 9.3 Paris Agreement. We set out below […]

Language on fossil fuels in paragraphs 28 and 29 of Decision 1/CMA.5 (Global Stocktake) (15/05/2024)

Query: Please review the language on fossil fuels used in paragraphs 28 and 29 of Decision 1/CMA.5 adopted in Dubai in November-December 2023 (the “Decision“),[1] particularly: 1. How strong is the language on fossil fuels used in paragraphs 28 and 29 of the Decision compared to “phase out” or “phase down” language? 2. What is […]

Summary of COP28 outcomes (24/04/2024)

COP28 was held in Dubai from November 30-December 13, 2023. Our latest summary, co-produced with the wonderful LACLIMA team, focuses on key outcomes under the COP and CMA, shedding light on crucial decisions. Huge thanks to our amazing volunteers for their invaluable contributions.

Obligation to submit BTR and flexibility under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement (30/01/2024)

Query: Please advise if the flexibility provisions under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement mean that least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing States (SIDS) are not obliged to submit biennial transparency reports (BTRs) under the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF). Advice: The query is concerned with the nature of the reporting requirement under the […]

Means of implementation in the Global Goal on Adaptation (22/01/2024)

Developed country parties are contending that Means of implementation (MOI) cannot be added to the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) framework. They are raising three arguments in support of this view: Do these arguments have a sound legal basis?   Advice: Summary In our view, the three arguments do not have a sound legal basis. […]

NGOs without observer status engagement at COPs (22/01/2024)

We are an NGO currently in the process of obtaining UNFCCC observer status, although we have observer status for ECOSOC. What opportunities are there for NGOs lacking observer status at the UNFCCC to make submissions or participate in the negotiation meetings? Advice: Summary Access to meetings and sessions of the UNFCCC for NGOs is regulated […]

COP28 – SBSTA 59 Article 6 first week progress summary (08/12/2023)

Guide to the Paris Agreement (30/11/2023)

The Guide to the Paris Agreement has been updated just in time for this year’s conference. It builds on the 2020 version of the guide by including relevant information from the subsequent CMA decisions.

Global Stocktake Explainer (28/11/2023)

This explainer on the Global Stocktake process will be of use to those negotiators new to the topic or those that need a refresher. In addition, a separate 2-page to this explainer specifically looks at the process of the first GST taking place at COP28, providing, among others, a visual summary of the 17 key findings […]

UNFCCC Secretariat Trust Fund for Participation (04/08/2023)

Query: 1. What is the legal basis for the secretariat’s practice of funding the participation of eligible representatives from developing countries and economies in transition? 2. What are the eligibility criteria? 3. Are there grounds for reviewing the eligibility criteria? Advice: 1. Legal basis for the secretariat’s practice According to a 2017 UNFCCC document entitled […]

Joint work with the Convention on Biological Diversity to operationalise Art. 6.8 of the Paris Agreement (30/10/2023)

Queries: 1. Please provide examples, including a legal basis for joint work programmes between conventions, to coordinate across international instruments, in particular the UNFCCC and the CBD? 2. Please consider the operationalisation of the non market-based mechanism under Article 6.8 of the Paris Agreement and how such a Joint Work Programme between conventions, to coordinate […]

SB 58 Summary (09/10/2023)

The 58th sessions of the SBSTA and the SBI took place in Bonn over the period 05 to 15 June 2023 (SB 58). Rather than providing a comprehensive summary of negotiations on all SB 58 agenda items, the paper highlights and summarizes discussions on the key subject areas.

UNFCCC Secretariat Trust Fund for Participation (04/08/2023)

Query: 1. What is the legal basis for the secretariat’s practice of funding the participation of eligible representatives from developing countries and economies in transition? 2. What are the eligibility criteria? 3. Are there grounds for reviewing the eligibility criteria? Advice: 1. Legal basis for the secretariat’s practice According to a 2017 UNFCCC document entitled […]