There has been a great deal of confusion since the Copenhagen Accord was agreed as to what the provisions relating to finance actually mean. In this briefing note, we address the following issues: a. Whether the wording in paragraph 8 of the Copenhagen Accord binds countries under international law; b. whether a “pay by results” […]

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (the UNFCCC) at Article 11, provides for a financial mechanism to be implemented including the provision of financial resources on a grant or concessional basis for the transfer of technology and to address climate change. The Copenhagen Accord reiterated and elaborated on this commitment. …

The Legal Response Initiative (LRI) received and answered 5 questions on financial mechanisms during the Barcelona meeting about the consistency of the proposed mechanisms with the provisions concerning funding contained in the UNFCCC and the level of control that might be exercised over any fund.

In this paper, we set out our response to the following questions: analyse the MRV provisions in the LCA text (the “Agreement”) in respect of (i) financial obligations of developed country parties; (ii) mitigation actions by developed parties; (iii) mitigation actions by developing parties. How do they operate? Do the respective levels of MRV for …

What would be the process to establish the high level experts group, as recommended by the co-chairs report on the Long Term Finance Work Program? 1. The recommendation of the Chair envisages that the COP would give the UNFCCC Secretariat the mandate to establish a high level experts group with IMO and ICAO. This recommendation […]