
Can you review the current draft text on markets under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, and APA agenda items 12(a) and (b), cooperative approaches and sustainable development mechanism, respectively, and suggest additions and/or amendments to ensure the protection and management of forests will be part of future discussions? Advice: Some parties are …

If language similar to that proposed by the US is included in the Paris Agreement in connection with Loss & Damage (and assuming the Agreement does not permit any reservations – see Article 24 of the Draft Agreement), could vulnerable countries limit the effect of such provision by making an interpretative declaration stating that acceptance …

How do you ensure permanence of the international mechanism on loss and damage? Background and Summary: There are many countries who state that their chief concern is to ensure the permanence of an international mechanism. They fear that, given its current mandate and scheduled review, the Warsaw International Mechanism could disappear after 2016. For …

What are the legal implications, and pros and cons, of the various options for entry into force provision in the September 2015 draft of the Geneva text? Advice: Option 1: This agreement [shall][will] [enter into force][come into effect on and be implemented from 2020] [on the[ thirtieth][ ninetieth] day after the date on which not […]