This Legal Response Initiative briefing paper examines approaches for binding financial arrangements in the context of a new legal instrument on climate change.  Written by LRI Executive Director, Christoph Schwarte, and by David Rossati from Edinburgh Law School, the briefing offers four possible draft provisions on binding commitments for resource …

The text for the proposed REDD-plus mechanism under the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change has recently developed as follows: 15 December 2009 – draft REDD text as at the end of COP 15; 11 February 2010 – draft REDD text as amended by the AWG-LCA; 17 May 2010 – Advance Version of […]

In this briefing note, we set out: to what extent the draft adaptation text of 18 December 2009 and the adaptation provisions of the Copenhagen Accord contain actionable provisions, arrangements or commitments as opposed to mere statements of intent or vague announcements; to what extent these provisions are a step up from existing provisions under …

In this briefing paper, we set out our views on the following questions: What is a compliance / enforcement mechanism? What is its purpose and why is it important? Where would be the most appropriate place in the LCA text for such a mechanism (which deals with finance and mitigation by developed country parties only) […]

1. Must a new Fund created under Article 11 of the Convention be established as an international organization, or could it be established under the domestic law of a Party to the Convention? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, in terms of the process for setting it up, the functions it will […]