Query:  Preliminary points   This query was received prior to the publication of the first draft of the GST1 text by the Co-Chairs. While we have referred to parties’ written submissions to the GST prior to the commencement of SBSTA 59/ SBI 59 we have focussed mostly on the parties’ oral interventions in response to the […]

Query: Can you outline the purpose and functions of the Forum and compare/contrast these with those of the Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures (KCI)? What are their respective current outputs/outcomes? Have the outputs/outcomes of the forum changed since the establishment of the KCI? Advice: 1. Context …

Query: Could the Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee address lack of funding/capacity-building for reporting obligations as an implementation and compliance issue affecting SIDS and LDCs? Advice: I. About the Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee   The Paris Agreement (PA) established in its Article 15 a mechanism …

Query:  Could you clarify the governance of the AC and its relationship to CMA and COP?  Advice:  The AC was formulated by the COP pursuant to the Cancun Adaptation Framework (Decision 1/CP.16) and is officially governed under the COP (Decision 2/CP.17). However, since the Paris Agreement, the AC serves both the Convention and the Paris …