1. Is there any way to circumvent the 2/3 Senate majority requirement in the USA Constitution for the USA to be able to ratify a treaty (other than a change to the Constitution)? (Please also confirm if this is a correct interpretation of the Constitution.) Are there other procedures for implementing treaties into US law? […]

What is the legal bindingness of statements or declarations made in the context of the UNFCCC negotiations by a state official? Summary Unilateral declarations and COP decisions can be legally binding under international law. Whether or not they are in a particular instance will depend on the facts and the intentions of the parties that […]

1. Does the Adaptation Fund have international legal personality? If not, what status does it have under international law? 2. How is the Adaptation Fund recognised by domestic legal systems around the world? Do these domestic systems grant direct access to the Adaptation Fund and if so is this automatic or at the discretion of […]

Is there any hierarchy between the laws of the UNFCCC, ICAO and IMO, so that States can comply with the laws of the UNFCCC and, as long as they are in compliance with the laws of the UNFCCC, then States need not comply with the laws of ICAO/IMO?  Summary There is no hierarchy as such […]

1) Can MARPOL 73/78 be amended by a decision of the governing body of the treaty so as to include either a cap and trade system for shipping emissions or a bunker fuel levy? 2) If not, can this be done by adopting a new annex (in such a way that does not require ratification)? […]