1. Can MARPOL 73/78 be amended by a decision of the governing body of the treaty so as to include either a cap and trade system for shipping emissions or a bunker fuel levy? 2. If not, can this be done by adopting a new annex (in such a way that does not require ratification)? […]

Is the CDM Executive Board (as a UN body) bound by international human rights law? In other words, do its decisions have to take into account human rights considerations? Charter of the United Nations: Applicability of Human Rights Law to the UN The United Nations (UN) is bound by human rights under Articles 1(3) and […]

1. What do international law and best practices and standards (including UNFCCC and GCF rules or standards), World Bank policies and guidelines, and US and EU law and best practice standards say about the fiduciary responsibility of trustees, the obligations of consultants, and potential conflicts of interest where one organization plays both roles?  …

1. Does the Kyoto Protocol allow for a suspension or termination of commitments on the grounds of force majeure, recognizing that withdrawal (no reason necessary) is always possible pursuant to Art. 27? 2. Have Arts. 61 (supervening impossibility of performance) or 62 (fundamental change of circumstances) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of treaties …