What is the impact of where topics are placed within the Agreement, eg. Loss and Damage? Does the placement affect the force of a particular provision, or of the agreement as a whole? More specifically: a) What is the legal status of the Preamble versus other sections of the agreement? b) What is the legal status […]

How can a new 2015 climate agreement to be adopted in Paris make reference to provisions, mechanisms, rules and other arrangements developed under the Kyoto Protocol and ensure that they apply to those Parties (of the Agreement) that have not ratified the KP, have not agreed to a second commitment period or failed to ratify […]

Decision B.09/03 of the Green Climate Fund Board extends the coverage of the GCF Policy on ethics and conflicts of interest for the Board beyond what is mandated in the GCF Board Rules of Procedure (in particular Rule 45) to Advisers of Board members and alternate members. The GCF Secretariat has interpreted this Decision to imply that only advisers …

“Is it possible, under international law (and bearing in mind that Article 25 of the UNFCCC specifically provides a right of withdrawal), to restrict the right for a Party to withdraw from a treaty? Have there been other instances where such a restriction has been imposed? It is understood that, under the negotiations for a […]

Pouvez-vous fournir une analyse concise concernant la forme juridique que pourrait revêtir l’accord 2015 de Paris ? Conseil : Le Groupe de travail spécial de la plate-forme de Durban pour une action renforcée (Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action, ADP) a été créé au terme de la 17e Conférence des Parties …