Query: What is the legal basis for the new collective quantified goal (it is not mentioned in the Convention or Paris Agreement, but in COP and CMA decisions)? What is the link, if any, between NCQG and Article 9 of the Paris Agreement?

Query: What are some of the considerations relevant for the inclusion of a sub-goal on loss and damage within the NCQG?

Query: 1. Does the request by the COP (in Decision 4/CP.26 para.9) to some developed country Parties to significantly increase their provision of adaptation finance, including by, as appropriate, considering doubling adaptation finance with the aim of achieving a balance between mitigation and adaptation, differ, in substance, from that by the CMA (in …

We have been instructed to prepare a literature review of what is understood as the contributor base in the context of the new collective quantified goal (“NCQG”). You have requested that this literature review focuses on precisely what the “sources, instruments and channels” are, as referenced in Article 9.3 Paris Agreement. We set out …

How are UNGA Trust Funds established? How are UNGA Trust Funds administered? Advice: United Nations General Assembly (“UNGA”) Trust Funds have been identified as a possible mechanism for establishing a Loss and Damage Finance Facility (“LDFF”) outside the structure of the UNFCCC negotiations. This research memo will set out how the UNGA Trust …