Query Advice Executive summary While the Convention and the Paris Agreement do not contain obligations to provide financial resources to specifically address loss and damage, the language in Article 8 of the Paris Agreement potentially covers the provision of financial resources to developing countries as a means to pursue the implementation of Article …

Query: What is meant by each of these terms in relation to Loss and Damage: ‘address, avert and minimise’? Are these concepts linked to loss and damage and/or adaptation and/or mitigation? Which arguments support the interpretation that these three concepts are part of the L&D provisions? Advice: 1. Background and context The Paris Agreement …

The attached paper is a literature review of publications on climate-related loss and damage (L&D).  In particular, the review aims to: (i)          map out possible options/approaches for financial arrangements on L&D; (ii)        provide a brief explainer …

Article 2.1c of the Paris Agreement sets a goal of making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development. This briefing provides an overview of the Article 2.1c goal on finance flows and an introduction to the legal implications of this goal. It will be seen that the goal […]