Please consider the Adaptation Fund Board’s governance and regulatory alignment with the Green Climate Fund’s accreditation requirements Summary: This advice maps the requirements for accreditation to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and considers whether the Adaptation Fund’s (AF) governance and regulatory framework reveal evident initial gaps for …

What could draft decisions that the AF shall serve the Paris Agreement look like? Could you review the draft CMP and CMA decisions, comment and advise on any critical issue? In addition, could you have an overall look at the text to see if anything is missing, or suggest any improvements? Summary: In my view, […]

In what ways could the art 15 Committee meaningfully promote compliance with, and implementation of, developed countries’ finance obligations? Advice: 1.             Background Article 15 of the Paris Agreement refers to the establishment of a mechanism to facilitate implementation of and promote compliance with the provisions of the Paris …

1. If parties agree that the Adaptation Fund should be the recipient of the share of proceeds of the sustainable development mechanism (SDM) envisaged under Art.64 of the Paris Agreement, can a developing country who is not a party to the Paris Agreement benefit from this source of funding through the Adaptation Fund? 2. Can you […]

With regard to the Paris Agreement and the accompanying COP decision 1/CP.21 (Adoption of the Paris Agreement) What does “serve” the agreement mean? What does “serve” mean in relation to the financial mechanism of the Convention/the Paris Agreement? Is it possible to “move” the Adaptation Fund from the KP to the Paris …