1. Under which Agenda Item on the COP agenda should a draft COP Decision that a) request the secretariat to seek the views of states on best practices for integrating human rights to climate change action at a national level, b) request the secretariat to organize an inter-sessional workshop on how to integrate rights into climate […]
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Informe: BP 5/14 Autores: Linda Siegele y Christoph Schwarte Este nuevo documento informativo ilustra las herramientas legales básicas y técnicas disponibles para la comunidad internacional para fortalecer la igualdad de género a través de un nuevo acuerdo. Escrito por Linda Siegele y el Director de la LRI, Christoph Schwarte, el informe esboza …
What are States’ duties and obligations vis-à-vis other states and their own population in the climate change context? Summary: International law primarily determines the rights and duties of States in their dealings with other States. The main sources of States’ obligations related to climate change are the United Nations Framework Convention …
Each year over 32 million people are forced to leave their homes to seek permanent or temporary residence in other parts of their own countries or in new countries in response to political, social, economic and environmental forces. Some of these people will meet criteria agreed to by the international community and will be given […]
Over the past 60 years, the world has developed a modern human rights system founded in international law. The primary instruments that comprise that framework are the: United Nations Declaration on Human Rights 1948 (UNDHR); International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966 (ICCPR); and International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural …