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Could you provide one or more lines of argument to extend the mandate under Decision 1/CP.21 to include additional agenda items, predominately related to adaptation, in the APA agenda? Advice: In Paris, the Conference of the Parties (COP) established the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) as a subsidiary body with a […]
What are the legal and governance questions involved if an institution serves two agreements: how can an institution such as the WIM be under the guidance of the COP and the governing body of the new agreement at the same time? what does this mean? Joint COP/PARIS COP agenda items? Advice: It is not uncommon, […]
The related concepts of legal personality and legal capacity are often of relevance in the UNFCCC negotiations. Of particular current relevance is the status of the Green Climate Fund (“GCF”). This paper begins by introducing the concept of international legal personality and legal capacity. It describes the legal status of an international organisation …