Could a failure to comply with obligations related to the Transparency Framework under Article 13, Paris Agreement, be a trigger for action by the Compliance Committee under Article 15 ? Advice: The Paris Agreement does not provide for any explicit relationship between Article 13 (transparency framework) and Article 15 (compliance mechanism). There …

To what extent could the outputs of the compliance committee inform the global stocktake? Advice: The systematic structure and negotiation history of the Paris Agreement suggests that the transparency framework (under Art.13) should inform the global stocktake (Art.14), and the global stocktake the mechanism to facilitate implementation and promote …

Can you review the rules and practice of the compliance processes of e.g. the Basel Convention, Cartagena Protocol, CITES, ESPOO, ITPGRFA, London Protocol, Montreal Protocol, ICRW, and indicate (a) whether meetings are open to the public and to what extent (e.g. observer organisations, live stream etc.) and (b) how are the meetings reported, and with …