Can the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC mandate the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to finance conditional intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs)  and technical expert meetings (TEMs) projects? Can you suggest some language for a COP decision in this regard? Summary:  No.  The Conference of the Parties (“COP”) designed the Green …

Does the mandate of other international fora, in particular the WTO, limit the competence of the UNFCCC to review and possibly decide on measures for the introducing of a global levy on carbon majors to pay for loss and damage from climate change? If so, to what extent? Advice: 1. Introduction The UNFCCC and the […]

Is the COP entitled to give guidance to the GCF on issues other than matters related to policies, programme priorities and eligibility criteria? Summary: The COP has the discretion to give guidance to the GCF on issues other than matters related to policies, programme priorities and eligibility criteria. This interpretation of the relevant provision …

Can you provide a high level overview of, both the thematic and institutional, linkages between the technology and financial mechanisms in the context of COP 20? Summary: The Technology Executive Committee (TEC) has recommended a number of areas for collaboration between itself and the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism and Standing Committee …

If the Adaptation Fund established under the Kyoto Protocol is subsequently integrated into the financial mechanism of the UNFCCC how will this affect the implementation of commitments under Art.4, para.1 (a) ? I.e. do developed country parties listed in Annex II have to provide the “full” or “incremental” costs? Summary: The …