1. What is the meaning of “implementing entities” in the context of the Adaptation Fund, and is it already covered off by the other interests or organisations mentioned under paragraph 3 draft decision -/CMP9 (FCCC/SBI/2013/L.6) ? 2. What would be the effect of adding “[other]” before “implementing entities”? Advice: 1. The meaning …

What is the meaning of additionality under the Framework Convention and the Kyoto Protocol? Advice: Additionality refers to two areas of the negotiations: the additionality of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions, and the additionality of financial contributions of developed countries in respect of mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation additionality …

As the Adaptation Fund sits under the Kyoto Protocol and other institutions, such as the Least Developed Countries Fund, under the Convention, how could linkages as envisaged under  Part II of the terms of reference for the adaptation fund review (which is to include the institutional linkages and relations, as appropriate, between the Adaptation …

Can crowdfunding be a source of capital for the Green Climate Fund, if the Board decides so, or would there be legal concerns? Summary: There are no express legal restrictions on the use of crowdfunding as a source of capital for the Green Climate Fund. However, the application of domestic laws would need to be […]

This Legal Response Initiative briefing paper examines approaches for binding financial arrangements in the context of a new legal instrument on climate change.  Written by LRI Executive Director, Christoph Schwarte, and by David Rossati from Edinburgh Law School, the briefing offers four possible draft provisions on binding commitments for resource …