Since the UNFCCC Conference held in Copenhagen in December 2009, there has been some talk of a ‘potential transition period’ in which the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol is temporarily extended for 2 or 3 years in order to give additional time for a second formal commitment period to be agreed between the […]
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In this briefing paper, we set out our views on the following questions: What is a compliance / enforcement mechanism? What is its purpose and why is it important? Where would be the most appropriate place in the LCA text for such a mechanism (which deals with finance and mitigation by developed country parties only) […]
This paper sets out the operation of the Kyoto Compliance Mechanism including a brief overview of the facilitative and enforcement branches, how non-compliance with QELRC is determined and the consequences of non-compliance with those targets.
1. If the Adaptation Fund Board (currently a body under the Kyoto Protocol) was designated as an operating entity under the (Financial Mechanism of the) UNFCCC would this affect the legal personality conferred under German law (by an act of parliament)? 2. How and to what degree does the act of parliament conferring legal personality […]
1. What is the difference between retroactive and retrospective application of a treaty? Is it, in international law, possible to retroactively and/or retrospectively apply the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol? 2. Is it possible for New Zealand to provisionally apply the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol? 3. Is it possible …