1. In the context of the Adaptation Fund Board being under the authority of the CMP pursuant to Decision 1/CMP.3 and the guidelines for the Adaptation Fund in Annex IV of Decision 1/CMP.4, is it possible to say that there is a legally binding agreement by the CMP that the funding for adaptation projects should be […]

1. Does LRTAP contain substantive pollution reduction standards and has it evolved to cover new and additional issues or expanded in geographical scope?  2.Does the Basel Agreement and another Multinational Environmental Agreement (MEA) contain substantive pollution reduction standards?  Summary 1. The LRTAP has evolved to cover new issues and in …

What are examples of other regional agreements (environmental or other) that have used formal and informal (i.e., MOUs, declarations of intent, etc.) mechanisms to establish the agreement as a platform for enhanced cooperation with nations outside the region, and the key drivers and mechanisms employed? Summary: Memoranda of understanding (‘MOU’s) …

1. Must a new Fund created under Article 11 of the Convention be established as an international organization, or could it be established under the domestic law of a Party to the Convention? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, in terms of the process for setting it up, the functions it will […]

1. Are there examples in international law where there is more than one protocol to the same treaty? 2. Does the subject matter of the two (or more) protocols overlap, complement or contradict each other? 3. If they do overlap, complement or contradict each other, how is this issue resolved between the protocols (i.e. how […]