1. What is “MRV”? 2. How does MRV differ from compliance and enforcement? 3. What is ICA? How does ICA relate to MRV? 4. How does MRV function under the Kyoto Protocol, and what elements are involved?  5. To what issues in the UNFCCC negotiations does MRV relate? Are there already provisions for MRV in […]

1. What is the difference between a ‘framework’ and a ‘programme’? 2. What are the relative advantages and disadvantages/strengths and weaknesses of calling for an ‘adaptation framework’ or an ‘adaptation programme’? 3. Is an option (i.e. framework vs. programme) better for delivering some of the elements mentioned above and not others? …

1. Is there a precedent for having ‘gentleman’s agreements’ made on issues that might normally comprise COP decisions? 2. What is the actual form of a Gentleman’s agreement?  For example, would they be ‘decision’ type language with placeholders in brackets? 3. Are there any dis/advantages to this approach compared to COP decisions? …

What are the legal implications of the words “takes note of…” in the Copenhagen Accord? The Accord itself is a non-legally binding agreement. As between the parties that agreed it (or subsequently associated themselves with it), it is likely, if anything, to be politically binding. This means that political consequences could flow from its …

1. Can the Chair of a Plenary Session be changed? 2. Can the Chair arbitrarily decide that consensus has been reached (when it would appear that it has not)? The bottom line is that concerned Parties must raise a point of order and seek a ruling (and vote) if they are unhappy with the procedure […]