Pouvez-vous fournir une analyse concise concernant la forme juridique que pourrait revêtir l’accord 2015 de Paris ? Conseil : Le Groupe de travail spécial de la plate-forme de Durban pour une action renforcée (Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action, ADP) a été créé au terme de la 17e Conférence des Parties …

How can Parties’ nationally determined contributions (NDCs) be integrated into a new 2015 Paris climate agreement? Advice: If the Parties do not adopt a new formally binding international legal instrument (but rather a set of COP decisions or a purely political deal) then the question of “integration” is of limited relevance. For the purposes …

Can you provide a high level analysis of what could be the legal form of the 2015 Paris agreement? Advice: The ADP was established at COP17 in Durban in 2011 with the mandate: “…to develop a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the Convention applicable to all Parties…”. These […]

Can you provide a short slide presentation explaining, at a high level, the potential Paris outcomes in terms of legal form, ‘legal bindingness’ in the context of the 2015 Agreement and the legal tools for integrating INDCs in the Agreement?

Can  you Please advise on possible scenarios for integrating nationally determined contributions (NDCs) into the new 2015 agreement, such as an annex document, a COP decision or registry? Summary: The following scenarios are available for integration of NDCs into the 2015 agreement: NDCs in a legally binding Annex or national schedules to a treaty …