Can you suggest options for a detailed ex post assessment of finance flows under Art.9.5 PA through linking Art.9.5 to the transparency framework and global stocktake of the Paris Agreement? Advice: A              Introduction In our view, Article 9.5 relates solely to the provision of ex ante information and so does not provide a mechanism …

1.What is the relationship between the GCF, the SCF and the CMA? 2. Does the CMA have the authority to give direct guidance to the GCF and the SCF in the same way the COP can, or must it provide such guidance through the COP? 3. How does the language in paragraphs 58 and 63 […]

Peut-on interpréter cette disposition comme permettant une révision à la baisse de leur CDN par les Parties ? En résumé: Afin de répondre à cette question, nous avons entrepris une analyse classique de l’interprétation des traités. Notre conclusion est que, bien qu’il n’y ait rien de spécifique dans l’Accord de Paris …

1. As the so-called “Paris Rulebook” will be adopted as a series of CMA decisions, what will be its legal status? Does the fact that the Rulebook will need to be implemented nationally give it a different legal status than “normal” COP decisions?  2. Given that the Paris Rulebook will take the form of a COP decision, […]

What is the scope of the reporting requirement on climate change impacts and adaptation under Article 13.8 in relation to the transparency framework? Can the adaptation communication under Article 7.11 be used to fulfil the reporting requirements or is there scope for article 13.8 to be interpreted as covering something else/broader than adaptation …