Query: The New Collective Quantified Goal on Finance (NCQG) decision text was adopted at the closing plenary of the CMA on Saturday and Sunday 23/24 November with little chance for Parties and Groups to speak (the gavel fell very quickly). Immediately after the gavelling went through, a few countries took the floor to express their […]
Blog Archives
Query: Could you clarify the governance of the AC and its relationship to CMA and COP? Advice: The AC was formulated by the COP pursuant to the Cancun Adaptation Framework (Decision 1/CP.16) and is officially governed under the COP (Decision 2/CP.17). However, since the Paris Agreement, the AC serves both the Convention and the Paris …
Query: How important is it that the issue finance for loss and damage has been placed on the current provisional agendas (item 8f) of both the COP27 and CMA4?
Query: 1. What is the legal basis for the secretariat’s practice of funding the participation of eligible representatives from developing countries and economies in transition? 2. What are the eligibility criteria? 3. Are there grounds for reviewing the eligibility criteria? Advice: 1. Legal basis for the secretariat’s practice According to a 2017 …
Query: 1. What is the legal basis for the secretariat’s practice of funding the participation of eligible representatives from developing countries and economies in transition? 2. What are the eligibility criteria? 3. Are there grounds for reviewing the eligibility criteria? Advice: 1. Legal basis for the secretariat’s practice According to …