Query: 1. Does the request by the COP (in Decision 4/CP.26 para.9) to some developed country Parties to significantly increase their provision of adaptation finance, including by, as appropriate, considering doubling adaptation finance with the aim of achieving a balance between mitigation and adaptation, differ, in substance, from that by the CMA (in …

Developed country parties are contending that Means of implementation (MOI) cannot be added to the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) framework. They are raising three arguments in support of this view: Do these arguments have a sound legal basis?   Advice: Summary In our view, the three arguments do not have a sound legal basis. […]

Summary of SB48-2 discussions on Articles 7 and 13 Paris Agreement Article 7 and the adaptation communication 1. Background and introduction Article 7, paragraph 10 of the Paris Agreement (PA) states that “each party should, as appropriate, submit and update periodically an adaptation communication, which may include its priorities, implementation …

To implement the Paris Agreement on climate change at national level, countries will need to review existing governance frameworks and adopt new rules and regulations. Under the umbrella of the African Climate Legislation Initiative (ACLI), the Cameroon Climate Change Working Group (CCCWG) initiated last year a ‘bottom up’ or demand orientated …