1. If the Adaptation Fund Board (currently a body under the Kyoto Protocol) was designated as an operating entity under the (Financial Mechanism of the) UNFCCC would this affect the legal personality conferred under German law (by an act of parliament)? 2. How and to what degree does the act of parliament conferring legal personality […]

1. What governance and oversight structures exist as part of, or complementary to, the financial mechanism under the UNFCCC? Is there an overarching governance structure, if not, is it fragmented and how? Who makes which kinds of decisions and what oversight is there? What are the gaps or limitations of this set up? How are […]

1. Does the constitution or any other law restrict the United States from contributing to a fund that is under the authority of the COP? 2. If the constitution or another law restricts the United States from contributing, are there any countervailing arguments that the country can contribute? 3. If there are no limitations, please […]

What level of civil society participation can be mandated for a fund under the UNFCCC? Rules governing the participation of non-governmental observers The participation of non-governmental observers in the proceedings of meetings, and of open-ended contact groups, of the UNFCCC is governed by Rule 7 and Rule 30. Rule 30 provides that meetings of the …

1. If an LDC graduates from LDC status to become a non-LDC developing country, can it still be eligible for funding under the LDC Fund? 2. If the answer to this question is that a Party accessing funding must be a LDC Party under the UNFCCC, are the criteria under the UNFCCC different from the […]