1.Is it possible for countries to ratify a COP decision? If so, which countries have?  2.Did the Congress of the USA pass a bill or another legal act when ratifying the UNFCCC which declares that the USA cannot enter into substantial obligations by way of COP decision unless the Congress expresses its consent? 3. If […]

1. What is the exact difference between MRV and compliance? 2. Is it possible to make a clear distinction between a strong MRV system and a compliance system which only includes facilitative elements, but no enforcement? 3. Did the Senate raise legal/constitutional concerns when the USA accepted the compliance system of the Montreal Protocol? Question …

In designing measures to address emissions from international shipping, does the International Maritime Organization (IMO) have the legal mandate to include exemptions – for the purposes of protecting Small Island Developing States – either on the basis of exempting specific countries, or alternatively by setting de minimis thresholds (such as tonnage …

1. What makes a text a “treaty”?  2. And what distinguishes a “treaty” text from political agreements, COP/CMP Decisions, political agreements, road maps, accords, etc? 3. For example, does a treaty text require certain “final” provisions, e.g. on ratification? Does the wording of the provisions make a difference, e.g. binding “shall” …