Can you prepare a short high level summary on the content of the Pact for the Environment, its objectives, scope, main rights and obligations, and the implications for states that sign up to it? Background to the Draft Global Pact for the Environment On 24 June 2017, a group of 80 experts from 40 countries […]

What options are there to put forward language that captures the spirit of a review without formally using the ‘review’ phrase, to allow Parties to consider the information being communicated under Article 9.5? Are there, for instance, other international (environmental) law agreements that may have relevant examples of other mechanisms …

What are the non-market approaches referenced in Art.6 paras.8 and 9 of the Paris Agreement? Advice: Article 6 of the Paris Agreement defines a framework for non-market approaches (NMAs) to sustainable development (para.9) which aim to (a) promote mitigation and adaptation ambition; (b) enhance public and private sector participation in the implementation …

1. Can you review and briefly summarize the existing arrangements between the conference/ meeting of parties to the governing international treaty (e.g. framework agreement) and the conference/meeting of parties to a subsidiary legal instrument (e.g. Biodiversity Convention/Biosafety Protocol, Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer/Montreal …