If and to what extent does the process of submitting Intended Nationally Determined Contributions that reflect states’ voluntary efforts to address climate change conflict with the science-based approach under public international law? Summary: The science-based approach under the UNFCCC does not affect the validity or political relevance of voluntary …

Would legally binding commitments on adaptation in INDCs modify existing obligations under the Convention and how could this be avoided? Advice: Under the UNFCCC developed country Parties have agreed to support the adaptation to climate change impacts in developing countries. However, there is no legal obligation on developing countries to adapt to …

If the agreed outcome is not in a form of a protocol, do we need to amend the UNFCCC itself as the Convention does refer to protocol in art 8,17,19 and 25? Advice: It is unlikely that the UNFCCC would need to be amended. However, the relationship between the UNFCCC and the agreed upon outcome […]

On the basis that Article 16 of the Convention contains provisions for amending the annexes and Article 15 contains provisions for amending the Convention, can the UNFCCC be read as containing an intention that the Annexes should be periodically reviewed and modified? Summary:  With the exception of the review mandated by Article 4.2(f) of the …