1. Are there examples from existing Multilateral Environmental Agreements (“MEAs”) that have similar implementation/compliance mechanisms/committees as Article 15 of the Paris Agreement and could serve as models for how to address systemic issues of implementation or compliance? Could you briefly describe how systemic issues were addressed in each …
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If the USA were to adopt an obstructive stance, could an argument be made that they are not complying with their obligation to negotiate in good faith? What is the scope of Pacta sunt servanda and the obligation of good faith in this context ? What are the SB chairs’ and COP President’s powers should […]
What procedural remedies are available to Parties who assert that another party does not act in line with its commitments under the Paris Agreement? Advice: There have been indications that the US might revise its nationally determined contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement downwards. Subsequently, the US president announced the country’s withdrawal …
What subject areas should be included in the mandate of a department or other institution in a developing country party jurisdiction that is responsible for addressing climate change at the national level to fully comply and benefit from the provisions of the Paris Agreement? Advice Given the cross-sectorial nature of climate change impacts, governments …
What legal standing does the US INDC/NDC, and in particular the overall economy-wide target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 26%-28% below its 2005 level in 2025 and to make best efforts to reduce its emissions by 28%, as such, has under US law and are there ways the government could be held accountable by […]